8th Nov 2013, The Time is Right

Route-Based Strategies

Route based strate­gies are being taken for­ward by the Highways Agency to enable a smarter approach to invest­ment plan­ning and sup­port greater par­tic­i­pa­tion in plan­ning for the strate­gic road net­work from local and regional stakeholders.

The pro­duc­tion of the first three strate­gies gen­er­ated some key lessons which have informed our think­ing on how best to deliver the net­work wide pro­gramme of strate­gies; and pri­ori­tise the out­comes.  As such we will be tak­ing a two stage approach.

In the first stage we will work with local stake­hold­ers to develop a uni­form set of route based strate­gies for all routes on the net­work. The strate­gies will iden­tify per­for­mance issues on routes and future chal­lenges, tak­ing account of local growth chal­lenges and pri­or­i­ties. The empha­sis for this stage will be on estab­lish­ing the evi­dence base as opposed to iden­ti­fy­ing solu­tions, which will take place in the next stage. It is intended that this first stage will be com­pleted by spring 2014.

There is no time to lose! The SG19 Road Safety Group will ensure that we are included in our local strategies and can put forward the views of the groups members.